The 11th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG2024)
投稿邮箱 Email :iceeg2024@sustech.edu.cn
Submission through email: Please provide the first author's name, affiliation, whether the submission is from a student, the intended topic of submission, preference for oral or poster presentation, and whether the paper will be included in the publicly published proceedings (short abstracts are not included, while long abstracts are included after review).
Please see the templates below
The email subject format is “iceeg2024-topic number-unit abbreviation”. The paper file name format is “iceeg2024- topic number-title abbreviation”
The deadline for receiving papers is January 31, 2024
The deadline for submissions has been extended to February 29, 2024.
Submission Info
1 / 注意事项 Notes
本次会议公开发表的论文集将被列入EI检索。符合要求的稿件经评审后予以录用,并于2024年正式出版。经评审录用的论文需缴纳版面费,6页以内1000元/篇, 审稿费100元/篇。会议优秀论文还将被推荐到《地球物理学报》、《Journal of Applied Geophysics》、《Journal of Earth Science》等期刊发表。
The paper should present the latest achievements in the relevant field. Authors can choose to submit either a short abstract or an extended abstract. The short abstract has no specific length limit, and the format should follow the requirements of the abstract format for the Chinese Geoscience Union (CGU) Annual Meeting. Both Chinese and English are acceptable. The short abstract is only used for arranging conference presentations and will not be included in the publicly published conference proceedings. The long abstract should not exceed six pages and only accepts English submissions. After peer review, accepted extended abstracts will be included in the publicly published conference proceedings. Please refer to the conference website for the specific format of the abstract template. The conference organizing committee is not responsible for the translation and proofreading of the papers, and authors are responsible for the content.
Papers included in the publicly published proceedings of this conference will be indexed by EI. Manuscripts meeting the requirements will be accepted after peer review and officially published in 2024. Authors of accepted papers are required to pay publication fees, which are 1000 RMB per paper for up to 6 pages, and a review fee of 100 RMB per paper. Outstanding papers from the conference may also be recommended for publication in journals such as the "Chinese Journal of Geophysics," "Journal of Applied Geophysics," "Journal of Earth Science," and others.
2 / 论文摘要模版 Paper template
Please use the template for the long abstract